Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

Expressing Opinions

Lesson Plan for Expresssing Opinions

Just about everyone has an opinion about most things. We seek people’s opinions all the time. You may want to know a friend’s opinion of a resort that you are thinking of going to. A teacher may ask you your opinion of a homework assignment. A co-worker who us planning a business trip may want to know what you think of the service of a particular airline. An acquaintance may seek your opinion on a political candidate. There are several expressions that can be used when asking someone’s opinion. Look at the examples below.

English Expressions Used to Express Opinions

Expression: What did you think of ( … the movie)?
Response: I thought it was boring.
Expression: Do you concur with ( …the board’s recommendations)?
Response: Yes, but with minor reservations.
Expression: What is your opinion of ( … the president’s proposed economic package)?
Response: I don’t think it will help the economy too much.
Expression: Do you agree with ( … Pam’s proposal)?
Response: I can’t say that I do, I think it will be ineffective.
After an opinion is given, either you agree with it or not. Look at the expressions below to indicate agreement or disagreement.
Expressions Used for Agreeing and Disagreeing
Statement: I think classical music is boring to listen to.
Agree: You said it.
Disagree: I couldn’t disagree more.
Statement: The president needs to raise taxes to solve the problem.
Agree: I think you’re right.
Disagree: I don’t think that’s the answer at all.
Statement: Abortion is nothing less than murder.
Agree: I believe so too.
Disagree: In my opinion, ( .. abortion is nothing more than freedom of choice).
Statement: I think the president’s economic policies are good?
Agree: I’ll go along with that.
Disagree: Well, we don’t see eye to eye on that.
Statement: I think studying English is a waste of time.
Agree: I’m with you.
Disagree: I beg to differ.
Statement: I like this red dress. How about you?
Agree: It work’s for me.
Disagree: I don’t really think (… that red is your color).
Statement: GONE WITH THE WIND is the best movie ever made.
Agree: I’ll buy that.
Disagree: I disagree, (… STARS WARS was much better).

Dialogue about Expressing Opinions

Alice: What did you think of the movie, Peter?
Peter: I thought it was boring.
Alice: Really? I loved it. Why did you think it was boring?
Peter: It was too predictable. You knew what would happen in the end. The same old thing- boy meets
girl, boy fights with girl, boy marries girl.
Peter: Did you like the sound track of the movie?
Alice: No, I hated it. It was too loud and too hard rock for me. What did you think of it?
Peter: I thought it was great, but then, I like hard rock.

Conversation Activities for Expressing Opinions

1. Pair work- discussion
Do you agree or disagree with your partner about the following topics? Discuss these topics with your partner
and give reasons why you agree or disagree.
watching golf is exciting
governments should spend less money on social services
tests are a poor method of assessing students acquired
watching too much TV is bad for a child’s mind
children should be seen and not heard
2. Pair work- discussion
What are you and your partner’s opinions about these topics? Discuss them. Give detailed reasons for
your opinions.
The acting skills of Tom Hanks                    The movie Titanic
Your partner’s hair style                                The WWF
Madonna                                                        Plays by Shakespeare
Punk rock music                                            Your partner’s attire
Using cell phones while driving                     Euthanasia (mercy killings)
The death penalty                                           Your English teacher (don’t be rude)
The honesty of politicians in your country
Exploration of space– worth while or not

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